Friday, February 29, 2008

A "Touchy" Subject

OK. so here's one for you.

For the past week or so, I've had...motivation to dive into the Word about sex. Outside of and in marriage. The authors have a strange way of talking about the same act in different contexts...with different words....then English translations have their own set of words for different was all pretty confusing. I have spent hours doing word searches, verse comparisons, word comparisons....language comparisons, like Hebrew and Greek, then Hebrew and English, then Greek and English. And even English and English! My notebook is filled with definitions and random thoughts (some of them possibly not so random as they seemed). It's loaded with word searches and comparisons till I finally got to the place that if I had to try to find something in my notes I would need a GPS to find it!

After all my searching I would like to tell you that I had discovered THE verse that answered my questions but this is what I actually came away with. I hope readers will find it as interesting a thought as I did.

  • First of all, Satan is crafty. Way craftier than we give him credit for, I'm afraid.

  • Secondly, God, in His infinite wisdom created sex for not only our pleasure but as a binding agent. It's what makes two one...and mystery that we don't understand.

  • third...that marriage, where 2 are mysteriously intertwined as one by the act of sexual intercourse, is in fact the intended reflection of Christ and His Church.
So my thoughts are this...Satan's attempt at disarming that which was intended to reflect God is his main focus. His main objective would then be to reduce sex to a base need of man...a menial part of our existence. Even a recreation.

I spoke earlier of Satan's craftiness. And here is where my winning thought of the day comes in. When we are young (especially today, in our society where the truth has been so whitewashed if not blotted out) Satan convinces us that our value is dependent on our attraction to and by the opposite sex, and it comes in various forms:

  • you're not a man if you haven't had sex

  • no boy is going to date you if you don't "put out"

  • you must have sex with him if you intend to keep him

  • you're value as "one of the guys" is how many girls you've slept with

I'm sure you could come up with some of your own.

Then as a married couple the lies come at us in these forms:

  • she's says she has a headache because she's really not interested in you any longer

  • the grass is greener on the other side of the fence

  • if he really loved me he would care more about my needs

  • all he wants me for is sex

Again, you could probably add to the list.

Then there are the lies that Satan aims at those who may have lived a particularly promiscuous life:

  • You are used

  • who would want to be with you

  • you'll never find a man to love you with your past
and I think maybe those thoughts are aimed mainly at women....I haven't had much conversation with men about their sex lives. :)

so this is what I put together about Satan's craftiness that we just seem to miss.

He has convinced us that we aren't desirable if we don't have sex outside of marriage...the marriage bed sucks (pardon my language)...and if you've had sex outside of marriage you aren't worthy. Wow. Has he got the wool pulled over our eyes! I was dumbfounded with the level of darkness he has covered us in. Are we that stupid that we aren't putting the pieces together? How can a person be undesirable if they don't have sex and that same person be used if they do???? Think about it.

...there beneath the blue suburban skies...