I was in prayer this morning for them all, both physical and spiritual children. I prayed with passion for my disciples....that just sounds so impersonal to me. I'm must come up with some other way to refer to these ladies that I have grown to love...for strength, protection, understanding. I prayed verses for them. I called upon Jesus to honor His words. I prayed with confidence. If you were to read my prayer journal where I keep my prayers as letters to Jesus, you might think I have this praying thing down pretty good. And honestly, truthfully, it was and still is all from my heart. It's sincere. But here is the kicker...after a long discussion with my Lord about those spiritual daughters, I pulled out my prayer journal for my kids and began to pray for my daughter......
She's searching right now. After years and years of claiming the power of God in our Lord Jesus Christ, she now wonders where He is. She sees Him in our lives. But she is not trusting Him with her own. If you've been there you know how that hurts. So I started to pray. One sentence and then He spoke to me. In a small quiet voice....
His eyes are always upon you.
His eyes never close in sleep.
And no matter where you are
You will always be in His eyes.
You see, I used to sing that to them as they left the house every morning. After they were dressed and fed, headed out the door, I would sing that to them. I can see her smiling up at me as she walked down the front sidewalk and then I can remember Zach, when he got in high school trying to get out the door before I finished...laughing.
So, in it's simplicity, this prayer comes back to me and stops me with tears. In it's simplicity it speaks to my heart of God's promise to watch out for her. That no matter where she goes, He will always have His eyes on her. It was a promise I reminded them of so many years ago and now He brings it back to me as a reassurance of those promises.
Simple blessings. Simple prayers. Mighty power.