Ok...enough of the past....I was just so amazed at what God has been up to...and while I've actually been living it, it still comes as an amazing thing.
Today the sun is shinning even though it is cold and it's going to be a great day. This week we begin to plan for the future......a wedding!!!!! Our oldest daughter accepted the proposal of a young man that we are very excited to have in our family. A wedding is planned for Oct 4, 2008 and the Bride to Be has hit the floor running....they were engaged on Sunday and by last night the ceremony venue was secured (the Conservatory on Main street) and the reception hall was decided upon. Such fun!!! Mother of the Bride! Yikes! My biggest fear? Having to get all dressed up...I wonder if the make sweat suits in linen? :)
I've learned something else this week...and not something that I'm really excited about. In fact, I could be a little discouraged but I'm choosing not to be. Have you ever shared the gospel with someone who said "yea, I understand what you are saying, but I don't want that. I'm not ready to give up what I'm doing for that"? I have. And it can be very frustrating. So now in this obedience to sharing my life with others, turning them toward God (I think we call it disciples making disciples)....I have found that even though one may claim to be a believer, they don't always want to hear the truth. They will even argue with you about what Scripture says to be true. Am I weird that I take it all as written? How is it that someone can pick and choose what they want to believe and have any faith at all in that which they say they believe? It's confusing to me. So as some choose to live their lives looking for the feel good stuff, I have to trust that God has called me to turn people toward Him....I have to be able to let go of those who see life differently...information vs transformation I guess. Here's the thing....I don't see myself softening up the truth or denying the truth to keep a disciple. Is that wrong? I mean, when do you hang in there because transformation just may not be on my timeline and when do you say...I'll be here when you are ready for truth? I'm just a little confused. I just can't say "Well, this is what God says, but if you want to do it differently that's ok with me. We will just study the things you want to do." Especially when it is those very truths that could change their lives!!!!! I shake my head in frustration.
So off I go....looking forward to the day and the weekend. Steph is coming home tomorrow for a family fix and we go Sat morning to secure a reception hall....and Zach? God is doing some truly amazing things....it's exciting to wait for his walking into the house at night to find out what God has revealed by the end of the day...it seems to be something new every day. Thanks to those of you who are investing your time in him........